Thursday, October 16, 2008

Iceland airwaves. Once again. Not my favorite time of year. Drunk people even more obnoxious than usual because now they have a crowd of foreigners to impress and prove to how much fun they´re having. And tourists thinking that Reykjavík is nothing more than a big non stop party. I probably shouldn´t criticize this festival seeing as we are a part of the festivities. But the world needs heroes and the world needs hypocrites.

We´ve got three shows this weekend and we´re giving them everything we got. Who knows when we´ll get to play next.

Dillinger Four just released a new album and of course it´s magnificent. I recommend you get it asap.

Our friends in Singapore Sling have finished their new album of fuzz and feedback and I must say, it might just be their best one yet.

It´s gray and raining outside. And the world is bringing everyone down. It´s hard to find things of substance these days but one must not give up. We keep doing our best to put something out there that has some meaning and we know you´re doing the same. One day we´ll win. I am sure about that.

1 comment:

Halifax Collect said...

Sa gamli er ekki ad hata fyrstu klausuna tharna!