Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What's happening? This is happening.

So everyone's broke and the world is ending...apparently. But I'm so sick of hearing/talking about the current situation the world economy is in, I'm not going to talk about it here.
Just a few bullet points:

  • In case you haven't noticed, winter's around the corner so it's time yet again to bring out the scarfs and hats and start listening to lots and lots of doom/drone/black metal to go with the impending darkness. I myself just picked up a hard copy of Deathspell Omega's Kenose and Sworn To The Dark by Watain among other things so I should be good for now.
  • Last weekend was kick ass coz we had the thrash-tastic Die Young playing in Reykjavik. Both shows were amazing, if you have a chance to catch them on their now ongoing European tour DO IT! Seriously, they are amazing.
  • Is the new album done? Yes and no. We're still waiting for it to being mastered but rest assured that it will happen...hopefully sooner than later. It really bothers me when records are delayed on account of someone else but the band screwing up, if it's really out of your hands all you can do is wait. Until then you'll have to make due with the two songs we put up on our myspace a few weeks ago. They're not mastered but you can still hear where we're heading.
  • If you're still hungry for some Icelandic punkrock the angry boys and girls in H.Í.M. are plotting and planning for an exciting 2008/2009 term. Go to and rock out. There is even a treat in the new blog there.
  • Also, the new Fucked Up album is absolutely amazing. Chemistry Of Common Life is so ridiculous that you can't help but love it. Full on punkrock with the occasional appearance of bongodrums and I said, just totally insane! Please please please pick up a copy, I think it just came out on Matador Records. You won't regret it.
  • I went to see the aerobic class that is Walls Of Jericho the other day. It was a good show, lots of pitcalls about unity and moshmoshMOSH but the greatest thing about it was a midget, wearing a flatcap and a Hatebreed hoodie that kept stagediving throughout their set. The sheer spectacle of witnessing that little man surf the pit made me realise how dire the need in the modern day hardcore scene is for variety. Don't worry, this is not one of those "things were better in the olden days" speeches but coming from a relatively young scene where most of the people there are actually misfits and outcasts and seeing the English hardcore scene that is trying to replicate the American flatcaps in every way I can't help but let out a sigh. Was it always like this? I don't know...all I know is that despite what people say the music is still kick-ass, you can't deny that. There are so many bands ripping it up it's hard to keep up.
  • Upcoming shows! Wednsday the 15th will mark the start of the 10th consecutive hipster-fest, Iceland Airwaves, and yours truly will make an appearance. As for when and where, well, that will have to wait mainly because there seems to be some confusion with the schedule. The problem being: there is none...even though there is a week 'til the first band steps up. We're playing 12 Tonar, the record store, on saturday the 18th around 16:00. We'll keep you posted with the other stuff.
I'm done for the night.

Listen to Trap Them, I'm not joking.

1 comment:

Halifax Collect said...

Eg er ad lesa.
Af thvi ad eg er fifl.